Monday, December 31, 2012

I Open at the Close

As the year draws to a close, I look at my 2012 goals. Perhaps, if I'm to evaluate myself based on my accomplishments, maybe I'll give myself 75% to 80%. Not that bad, I guess.

2013 Goals

  1. Better time management. Sigh this is an old goal. I don't know if I'll ever do this right. I mean, I'm not THAT bad with time management but I know that I can still improve (and I do need to improve).
  2. Visit at least one new country. Maybe Nepal and/or Cambodia.
  3. Visit at least one new province. Maybe Baler or Cebu or La Union.
  4. Fix my academic life (Master studies). It's a mess. (And wow, that took a lot of courage to admit publicly.)
  5. No new hobbies for now. Focus on the existing.
  6. Follow-through: Good diet. More water, fruits and vegetables. Less junk, sweets, beef and pork.
  7. Follow-through: Be healthy. Jogging, crunches, arm exercises.
Cheers to the opening of 2013! My mom's making macaroni salad and steak while I'm making chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting and ramen. What's cooking in your kitchen? :)

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